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A Unit has recently qualified as a BEE level 2 contributor through a 51% black ownership stake. This BEE compliance is vital as it allows film companies contracting A Unit to meet the conditions required for a DTI Qualifying South African Production Expenditure (QSAPE) rebate. By using A Unit, our clients will be glad to know that they could include their spend with us, in their qualifying spend and will receive all our BEE compliance documentation.

A Unit is proud to support South Africa’s policy of black economic empowerment (BEE) through black ownership, which aims to realise the country’s full economic potential. A Unit owns it’s own fleet of vehicles and 51% black ownership means that we are not just paying lip-service to BEE compliance that would be possible through brokerage.

Find out more about the DTI’s SA Film & TV Production and Co-production financial incentives here.